
Give Me Shelter…

Where shall I stay?
Why am I here?
Who am I? Does it make a difference?
Do you care? Does anyone?
What did I do? To you?
And how did I get here?
I can’t remember.
I am cold.
I am lonely.
I have a heart.
I am hungry.
I am sorry…for living.
When will it end?
Forgive me.
Don’t hurt me.

friedrich manfred simon – kaput gerat lupinum – 20.05.16
dichter – denker – dreher

A Promise…

So I made a quick flight over to Wally World – aka Wal-Mart – where I walked into the clutch of a clique of Girl Scouts who had set up their namesake cookie stand in immediate proximity of the entrance to the all-American-mega-bazaar of falling prices.  What would Sam say?

Anyway, the girls, like little chicks, were peeping and chirping in abandon on the first day of true warmth of this year.  Their “mother” keeping a close eye on their innocent enthusiasm.  They were filtering around the multiple sliding doors that make it so easy to remove the mountains of cheapness – much of what probably wasn’t even on the list – to fill the typical American home with more “stuff”.  Nice!  I know, I know.  I’ve done it too.  Rather, I do it too.  Every time.  They, the mass marketeers, like social rocket scientists, they have us pegged.  Humans are so bloody predictable yet we insist we are all so unique.

Sorry, where was I?  Oh, yes, of course, the girls, who weren’t but in their very early teens with their diligently prettied poster boards in hand advertising their delightful little cookies-in-a-box didn’t seem to suffer from any social anxiety.  Each potential customer was happily approached and dutifully engaged.  As I was.  “Hello, Sir. Would you like…?”  I felt bad.  I had cut her practiced pleasant sing-song spiel off.  But not to be rude, instead to let her know that I had some business inside and upon my exit that I would certainly indulge her importune efforts with a purchase.  “How much are they?”  You know that ephemeral moment when you’ve heard what is said and your mind seems to suffer from a momentary lapse of neuron firing.  Switch off, switch on.  Right, you know what I mean.  So that happened.  I heard her the first time.  “Five dollars!”  Knee-jerk: “What!?”  And then the neuron vapor lock gives way and reason sets in and you resolve this quandary of expense versus the benefit they will have from their “cookie drive”, to be able to go to camp for the summer or what have you, such as Girl Scouts usually do, in the summer, even if the cookies are overpriced.    No doubt, this sales debutant, already counting me as a de facto satisfied customer, though I hadn’t bought anything yet, save for made a promise to do so, I left them to pitch others who were flowing in from the larger-than-a-football-field-sized parking lot anxious to leave as much of the money they had and didn’t have like offerings to the gods of capitalism and usury in this one of myriad temples to be found in Anytown, USA.  That’s America.  Credit is king!  We got this.  Buy now, pay…well…don’t worry about it right now…we’ll get our money even if you have to work more and harder.  But I’m off my storyline again.

You see, I had intended to hold back a five spot.  For reals!  But as most any good intentions seem to come undone, this simplest of honest intent went awry.  It’s not important to explain why.  It just did.

Now, of course, I’m thinking – as I do too much already – about what I’m going to tell this fledgling salesperson.  I mean, does it really matter that I am now going to have to come up with an excuse as to why I can’t honor my promise I made just minutes ago?  A promise, I assume, she’s taken at face value?  Or is she – are all of them – used to being stood up by a few others like myself, regardless of whether the excuse is real or not?

There she was.  She hadn’t forgotten and probably already had tallied a few boxes in her mind to my account.  I mean I think my demeanor and dress would have given her every reason to believe that I wasn’t a cheapskate.  So, as I debouche from the perfect temperature of the church of capitalism into the balmy ambiance, I spring the disappointment on her.  “I’m sorry.  I didn’t get any cash back.”  Anticipating her sunny face to be overcome with utter disillusionment, I was again taken aback by her spontaneity.  “We take cards!”  What am I thinking, I’m thinking?   There’s no getting out of this and she’s saved me from losing sleep tonight for not having kept my promise with a true but lame excuse for not buying one box of her iconic Girl Scout confections.  As fast as I could I put my plastic into the waiting hands of the manager-mother of this noble, nifty little feminine enterprise, and technology, data transfer, and a touch sensitive screened smartphone confirmed over instantaneous Wi-Fi that I will have kept my promise and put five digital dollars into their treasury of summer activities and fun.

I make my singular selection, and with my orange box of do-si-dos in hand, my favorite kind, I bid them well and thanks and received their bubbly thanks in return, I stroll off to my patiently waiting car and begin writing this petite story on the paper of my mind, finishing it, a little later, while savoring a few too many do-si-dos with coffee and lots of cream. Looking forward to a good sleep not having to worry about a broken promise.

friedrich manfred simon – kaput gerat lupinum


Will they be left to their imagination?

Jim Sugar’s photography (see Jim Sugar’s Instagram picture of an Irish funeral wake) has inspired me from the time I picked up a camera and became infected with the unslakable need to capture the world through my eyes with the apparatus’ of the lens, camera, and film. Though the latter medium has all but disappeared, the digital age has allowed anyone to record his environment instantaneously – literally. It has puzzled me greatly why people, save for a few, do not take advantage of this ability to record – in real-time – their life and respective milieu for posterity.
In an unprecedented age where anything can be captured and just as suddenly be put before the eye of billions via a hand-held device seems to be taken for granted, but for silly snapshots and evaporating snapchats, though they have their unique ephemeral purpose.
Indeed, and in deed, “modern man” as a whole, in all the plethora of his convenience of gadgetry, selfishly and obliviously fails to “see” – let alone perceive – and thus he fails to make the effort to cement in time what appears presently as pedestrian, yet removed from its present context is anything but. How often, or not often enough, has one considered the question: “I wonder what life was like back then when my parents, or grandparents were young?” only to find there is little visual evidence to resolve that timeless question save to imagine as best one can. Who but a few deliberately “make” a picture with the future in mind. Who but the very few appreciate the responsibility we have to preserve the present for those who do not yet exist but surely will. Will they be left to their imagination? Will those eyes that do not yet “see” be left to imagine how you and I once lived, or will they have the privilege to better understand the world they have received from us through “seeing” that which we have lived and left for them?

friedrich manfred simon – #kaputgeratlupinum – 26.03.16
dichter – denker – dreher


Knochen zu Knochen…

“Kochen zu Knochen
Blut zu Blut
Glied zu Gliedern

ob Beinverrenkung
ob Blutstau
ob Gliedverrenkung.”

– Merseburger Zauberspruch

Kaput.Main Header.140316

Get the Story Behind ‘The 48 Laws of Power,’ the Book That Influenced 50 Cent, Kanye West and Countless Prisoners

Robert Greene talks with Patrick Bet-David about his life and inspiration behind his five books, the first of which is now a mega cult classic among rappers, the Hollywood elite and prison inmates.

Source: Get the Story Behind ‘The 48 Laws of Power,’ the Book That Influenced 50 Cent, Kanye West and Countless Prisoners


Wie erscheint das große Ganze im konkreten Augenblick?

Wie erscheint das große Ganze im konkreten Augenblick?
Wie ist die eine Wahrheit auf vielen Wegen zu finden?
Wie kann man inmitten aller Gefahren die Geborgenheit erleben?
Was ist der Sinn der Liebe?
Was ist die Zeit?
Was ist Leben, was ist Tod?

friedrich manfred simon – kaput gerat lupinum
dichter – denker – dreher

Kaput.Main Header.140316

Upon her lips…

as i laid
tossed and turned
i vacillated
whether to let
of that silly
i had stuck in
my head
and get up
or wait
wait till

for i was so very
not yet finished

but i let go
of it and
and rolled out
my bunk

and when i had
broke out
into the crisped
i was the only
one there

save her

she was coming
i was heading
each the other’s

in the misty morn
like my sibylline

it was a delicate
yet quite pleasant
just the same
without shame

when we passed
and exchanged glances
and pleasantries

she had called me
by my name


as if an intimate
as if sung
by a siren

for before
i had always

simply simon

i felt my spirit
and a bit of
light return
to my heavy

a needed quickening

for all too quick

two monetary
hearts beat

our words
had embraced
come together
quickly mingled
made lingual

and just
as soon
as we saw
and spoke
our interloquing

she was gone

just as that
forever moment
had passed
into our

yet my day
was better
and brighter
for our chance
my lot
a bit lighter
for my
heart to

for i thought
she must have
to give tongue to
my name
on the way

for i thought
she must have
of my name
as me
while i
was not around

though in her mind
her heart too

and for a man
to know
a woman has him
in her thoughts
gives him cause
to ineffable
and his
is once again

as he
fait accompli
onto her
jeu d’amour

so sweet her
incantations sway
no mere man can
turn away

for that woman
who once
had my name
as me
in her mouth
is my long
blown blossom

so long ago
that i had forgotten
her fragrance
and nearly
my name
as well

so how is it
the slightest
and brush
of his name
against his
spoken by
the woman
he spends his
and dreams

can move
his world
so profoundly
with her
simple slip
of his name
upon her

friedrich manfred simon – kaput gerat lupinum – 26.10.12
dichter – denker – dreher



How did Russia not see the irony of the Berlin wall?

Despite his screams, he received no medical assistance…

Quora answer to “How did Russia not see the irony of the Berlin wall?”

Needless to say, in retrospect, it appears as an irony. But appearances have an uncanny way of lending themselves to the truth. Russians, I have come to understand from my own extensive, yet unfinished studies, have always dealt in draconian measures. Building a wall served its purpose at the time. To stop the hemorrhaging of people to the west. And, for all intents and purposes, it worked quite well. Having been at the “wall” during the height of the cold war, looking over it from Checkpoint Charlie as a child, it was a very conscious, equally surreal and sublime experience of coming of age, and of coming to grips with other ideologies up close and unnervingly personal. So, at least to me, the question is relative. Relative to the events of an era in which grandiose intrigue and posturing, if not outright brinkmanship were status quo. Certainly the Russians were – still are – as fearful of the west as the west was of the east. The reasons myriad, most inexplicable, ever unknowable, locked away in a plethora of forgotten archives of yellowing, crumbling, like the wall itself, meaningless paper with equally meaningless secret messages and dead bureaucrat’s signatures.

However, what is more important is to relate that irony with the stupidity of building a wall along the US-Mexico border. Is this not the same irony you speak of in action here in our own country? And yet our government and those who would soon be leading it want to build a “wall” to keep people out. Who, with any iota of intelligence and understanding of human nature, would ever think such colossal feat of ignorance would ever stem the tide of people who have nothing to lose by getting across it to what appears to them as the land of milk and honey. So it was with the peoples of Eastern Europe. The West was seen as a place to prosper and escape the oppression of hyper-socialism (they called it communism, but there has never been any such utopia, nor ever will be, but that is another subject all to itself). As long as the have nots (and I use that term sympathetically) believe there is a better life across the river, over the “wall,” they will come, and nothing, no wall, no guns, no river, no imprisonment will stop them. History has proven this an immutable fact (e.g., the Great Wall of China, Hadrian’s Wall, and, yes, the Berlin Wall, just to name the more infamous “walls”). Ultimately, the irony is ironic because it repeats itself, and in this case, always with the same outcome, thus any perpetuation of the irony will bring the same result. Is this not the definition of insanity? A la Einstein, insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result?

I offer just one example of this inextinguishable human drive to acquire a better existence at any cost, the case of Peter Fechter. Shot to death by East German border guards acting on the strictest orders to shoot-to-kill anyone attempting to steal themselves over the wall. “When Fechter and Kulbeik reached the wall, guards fired at them. Although Kulbeik succeeded in crossing the wall, Fechter, still on the wall, was shot in the pelvis in plain view of hundreds of witnesses. He fell back into the death-strip on the Eastern side, where he remained in view of Western onlookers, including journalists. Despite his screams, he received no medical assistance from the East side, and could not be tended to by those on the West side. Western police threw him bandages, which he could not reach. He bled to death after approximately one hour. As a result of his death, hundreds in West Berlin formed a spontaneous demonstration, shouting “Murderers!” at the border guards.” (excerpt from Wikipedia, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ki…[1] for the full story). Rest assured this will happen – has happened? – on the US-Mexico border. And, while I would sincerely hope that American agents will never be asked to shoot-to-kill unarmed civilians, if the wall is built history will, ironically, repeat itself only his name won’t be Peter Fechter, but Hector Gonzales, or Alberto Rodrigues, or…? Will Mexican’s then call American border guards “Murderers!?”

friedrich manfred simon – kaput gerat lupinum
dichter – denker – dreher

See post on Quora here: https://www.quora.com/How-did-Russia-not-see-the-irony-of-the-Berlin-wall/answer/Friedrich-Manfred-Simon?srid=FkJh&share=7a19c45d


Every Day is St. Crispian’s Day

I was perusing Norskk’s “Become a Víkingr” website when I came across a section called “SURVIVE IN HARSH ENVIRONMENTS”.  I’ve been spending a lot of time reading, studying, learning about what it is to be a man on sites like Norskk, Order of Man, MFCEO Project, Man Talks, The Art of Manliness, and the like.  I must admit, though, it seems somewhat ignoble to investigate something so fundamental on the other side of life.  No matter.  That is irrelevant presently.  You see I have been on a journey.  A journey that began over half a century ago.  In that span of sunrises, I have managed to compact and compress things that would fill several lifetimes into one.  But that is a story for another time.  Suffice it to say that what lies ahead in however many – or few – years, maybe months, or even hours, a solitary sunset, no doubt measured time I’m given, I have given it to reconciling what is passed, in turn, investing it in the nebulous concept of what is future.  A pièce de résistance resonating beyond what is physical.  Life.  Living.  That is to say, to leave here having left all that I was, and was not, as a measure of a man who came to understand his innate fallibility yet through it, paradoxically, triumphed over what was surely utter pyrrhic defeat.

So, I asked myself, “What does it mean to ‘Survive?’”  As a man.  No, not so much physically, but cerebrally, where the fight to survive is already won or lost before any physical action to survive is set into motion.  Is it not the mind and even the heart that is the battlefield upon which one is either victorious, albeit bleeding and wounded, or blood-soaked, lying in one’s blood? Defeated. Lifeless.

Moreover, what does it mean to survive on one’s own terms in light of the above, inescapable prognosis?

A good place to start would be to dig deep and find out if you have what it takes to survive the shitstorm when it arrives – and it will come.  I mean, do you have the moxie, the wherewithal, the stones to weather the storm ad infinitum?  The fact is, you are already in the midst of it.  Born into it.  Even when you are in the eye of it, and all is momentarily, unnervingly, deceivingly calm.  You’re in the middle of it.  Every single day is a shitstorm in the making and most of us just let it shit on us – literally.  So, the question I pose – as I have been posing to myself more than ever – every single day is: “What am I doing to get through the proverbial shitstorm?” and “How am I doing?” or “Am I making progress?” And, “Do I – still – have my stones and sanity about me?”

Most days I suck at it, beating myself up with, “What am I doing?  This is hopeless.” and “Who the hell do I think I am?”  Yet, despite and more so, in spite of stupendous failure, infinite loss, and immeasurable sacrifice, much as I try, at times, to accept defeat, I cannot.  I will not.  For there is something deep down inside a man residing in the darkest, deepest fathoms of the well of his soul – that looks back in disgust – and says: “You miserable coward!  How dare you?  Quit your belly-aching and get your fucking shit together.”  Do I doubt that voice?  Can’t.  Not possible, for it is the only true voice a man is moved to action by.  A father’s voice?  The one voice that emanates not only from his good side but from his bad and ugly side altogether.  They, all sides of him, make the whole and are so divined by that which is greater than the man himself.  That is where his truest, unaffected self resides.  The self he does not truly know or understand, but is nonetheless, all the more, who he actually is.  An intimidating thought to behold – for any man.

You see, I see, failure, loss, sacrifice as one man’s fuel and another’s futility.  The art is becoming and being the man who treats these relative terms as imposters, turns them on their head, and then uses them as volatile fuel – like the coal they are – to press on instead of wallowing in the miasmic morass of futility like a pig in his urea.

In the midst of this unrelenting crucible of chaos.  Where entropy and anomie consume.  That is where the strong man not only survives, but it is where he truly lives and thrives; where he is either solidified or incinerated.  So when it appears – and appearances have a habit of lending themselves to the truth – there are no options, no more chances, no further recourse, a man must look at himself in the mirror and ask – and more importantly, answer – that beaten, battered, and bloodied face staring back at him – that reflection of himself, his self – without hyperbole and without bullshitting himself the only questions that matter.  “Do I give up? Do I throw in the towel?  Do I allow myself to self-destruct?  Or do I carry on, harder, more determined, more ruthlessly than the day before and all the days before that one? Do I reconstruct, reinvent, recreate myself daily, unflaggingly, to meet and slay – headlong – the never-ending, seen and unseen dragons that never seem to die; that must be killed and killed again and again and again; to absorb the onslaught and maelstrom of insults and punishments only to stand tall again, and over again; to go do battle, together, with the few like-minded souls who remain at my side and I at theirs, and knock the brutish beast called “life” in the head once more?”  Indeed, and in deed, for a man – not all men – every day is St. Crispain’s day (see St. Crispian’s Day speech below).  For all men die, few men truly live, let alone survive with their honor and dignity intact, and almost never on their own terms.

friedrich manfred simon – kaput gerat lupinum – 11.02.16
dichter – denker – dreher


St. Crispin’s Day speech from Henry V (1599) by William Shakespeare (modern text), see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St_Crispin%27s_Day_Speech for the original text)

Oh, if only we had with us here ten thousand of those men back home in England who aren’t working today.

Who’s wishing that? My cousin Westmorland? No, my dear cousin, if we are marked down to die we are enough for our country to lose, and if marked down to live, the fewer the men the greater the share of honor. For the love of God, don’t wish for one man more. By Jove, I’m not interested in gold, nor do I care who eats at my expense. It doesn’t bother me who wears my clothes. Such outward things don’t come into my ambitions. But if it is a sin to long for honor I am the most offending soul alive. No, indeed, my cousin, don’t wish for another man from England. God’s peace, I wouldn’t lose as much honor as the share one man would take from me. No, don’t wish for one more. Rather proclaim to my army, Westmorland, that anyone who doesn’t have the stomach for this fight should leave now. He will be guaranteed free passage and travel money will be put in his purse. We would not like to die with any man who lacks the comradeship to die with us. This day is called the Feast of Crispian. He who outlives this day and gets home safely to reach old age will yearly on its anniversary celebrate with his neighbors and say, “Tomorrow is Saint Crispian.” Then he will roll up his sleeve and show his scars and say “I got these wounds on Crispin’s day.” Old men are forgetful, but even if he remembers nothing else he’ll remember, with embroideries, what feats he did that day. Then our names, as familiar in his mouth as household words – Harry the King, Bedford and Exeter, Warwick and Talbot, Salisbury and Gloucester – will be remembered in their toasts. This good man will teach his son, and Crispian will never pass from today until the end of the world without us being remembered: we few; we happy few; we band of brothers! The man who sheds his blood with me shall be my brother; however humble he may be; this day will elevate his status. And gentlemen in England, still lying in their beds, will think themselves accursed because they were not here, and be in awe while anyone speaks who fought with us upon Saint Crispin’s day.


There is something about the altruistic act…

There is something about the altruistic act that is inherently inconsistent & disingenuous in that it serves a hidden need & depravity within the actor thereof: some secret, malignant malice for which one employs (applies) the act as a palliative panacea; a cathartic masking of a persistent dull pain of said secret, thus the proposition that the giver “receives” more than the receiver – it is said – “receives” from the altruistic act: intangible for the tangible (quid pro quo).

friedrich manfred simon – kaput gerat lupinum
pensées de l’intérieur – 14.09.12
dichter – denker – dreher
